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The Total Economic Impact™ of Webflow: the Forrester Consulting report

The ability to quickly create and manage attractive and performing websites is now fundamental to the success of a company.

Despite this, in Italy Webflow, one of the most innovative platforms for creating websites, is not yet widely known.

However, the recent report “Total Economic Impact™ (TEI)”, commissioned by Webflow and conducted by Forrester Consulting in 2024, reveals the significant economic benefits that companies can obtain by implementing this platform.

This article analyzes the results of the report, illustrating how companies can exploit the advantages offered by Webflow to improve efficiency, productivity and reduce operating costs.

We will review The TEI methodology, the main advantages highlighted by the study and the potential implications for the Italian market, offering a perspective on how this technology can transform the approach to web design and online content management.

What is Webflow

Webflow It is a platform for creating websites visually guided (WXP, Website Experience Platform), which allows companies to build, manage and optimize enterprise-level websites without the need for extensive technical expertise.

Webflow is particularly popular for its suppleness, its ability to scales and the visual interface that allows even non-technical teams to create content quickly and autonomously.

The Forrester TEI Methodology

La Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) It is a methodology developed by Forrester Research, designed to evaluate the financial value and the impact of a technological investment. The method is based on four main components:

  • Benefits: Evaluate economic gains such as increased productivity or revenues.
  • Costi: Consider all the expenses necessary to implement the solution, such as licenses and maintenance.
  • Flexibility: Examine the solution's ability to adapt to future needs, such as scalability.
  • Risks: Analyze the uncertainties related to benefits and costs, using a risk model that allows you to make more precise forecasts.

In the report, Forrester interviewed five companies from different industries that have implemented Webflow, aggregating the data to create a composite organization model worth 2 billion dollars.

The advantages of Webflow that emerged from the Forrester Studio

According to the report, the key benefits of adopting Webflow include:

1. Increased productivity: reduction of up to 94% of the time spent creating and modifying content, improving collaboration between teams and accelerating the launch of new pages and updates.

The report highlights a 50% savings in content management time, allowing companies to dedicate more resources to strategic activities.

2. Reduction of operating costs: The report estimates savings of more than 850,000 dollars over a three-year period, linked to the disposal of old systems and the reallocation of IT staff.

For many Italian companies, which often find themselves managing complex and expensive technological stacks, this represents a significant opportunity to reduce costs and simplify operations.

3. Increased agility: Webflow allows marketing teams to act faster in response to market changes. Before the adoption of Webflow, many companies reported long development cycles and bureaucratic processes that prevented the rapid implementation of new ideas.

With Webflow, it is possible to drastically reduce these times, allowing companies to respond more quickly to customer needs.

4. Scalability and internationalization: The report highlights how Webflow supports geographical expansion and the management of multilingual sites through native localization capabilities.

For Italian companies that aim at internationalization, Webflow offers a flexible and scalable environment, able to support the rapid launch of new markets without compromising operational efficiency.

5. Savings on hosting and maintenance: managed hosting services included, eliminating the need for internal hosting infrastructure and reducing the burden on corporate IT resources.

This represents a significant advantage for Italian companies that want to focus on their core business without having to manage complex hosting environments.

A 332% ROI: when numbers make the difference

The Forrester report shows that the implementation of Webflow has led to a return on investment (ROI) ofthe 332% for the companies interviewed.

In practical terms, this means that the economic benefits of Webflow outweigh the initial costs by more than three times. In addition, the recovery period of the investment is less than Six months, making Webflow an extremely convenient choice for companies that want to improve their online presence.

For Italian marketing managers and CFOs, this fact is crucial: implementing Webflow can represent an opportunity for growth, optimization of resources and reduction of operating costs in a short time.

The Italian question: are you ready for the Webflow Revolution?

The Forrester study raises crucial questions for Italian decision makers:

  • How could a platform like Webflow transform your digital operations?
  • What new opportunities for innovation and growth could greater agility in web development unlock?

In a country known for its creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, Webflow could be the tool that allows Italian companies to fully express their digital potential.

Forrester's study on Total Economic Impact by Webflow paints a clear picture: we are facing a paradigm shift in the way companies approach web design and the management of their online presence.

To fully understand how Webflow is redefining enterprise web development and how it could benefit your organization, we invite you to learn more about the results of the Forrester study.

Innovate or suffer? Because Italy cannot ignore Webflow.

As the digital world continues to evolve, tools like Webflow are no longer a luxury or a possible option, but a necessity to remain competitive.

For Italy, a country with a rich fabric of innovative SMEs, Webflow could represent an opportunity to compete on a global scale with limited resources.

The report “The Total Economic Impact™ of Webflow” shows how Webflow is not only a technological tool, but a strategic lever for companies that want to obtain greater autonomy, agility, saving and competitiveness.

Webflow could represent an opportunity to compete on a global scale with limited resources.

Why is it the innovative solution which allows you to optimize processes, reduce costs and Accelerate growth.

If you are a marketing manager or a CFO, Webflow can represent a valuable resource for improving the effectiveness of your company, allowing non-technical teams to collaborate and carry out projects more quickly and efficiently.

Link to the Forrester study:

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