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website development

Dove l'arte del design incontra la tecnologia

We combine attractive aesthetics and innovative performance using Webflow.

Transform your online presence into a memorable and unparalleled experience: attractive design, cutting-edge functionality and optimized performance will come together to reflect your brand identity in an impactful website, which will offer your customers an engaging experience and will ensure the success of your business.

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From Idea to Project: Our Method

1. Analysis of Customer Needs

Every project in MIRAMEDIA starts with a phase of detailed analysis.

We work closely with our customers to fully understand all their needs and expectations.

This approach allows us to develop customized solutions, perfectly aligned with the business objectives of our customers.

At this stage, we organize meetings and workshops with the involved teams of the client companies. Our goal is clearly identify the objectives of the project, the target audience and the required functionalities.

Let's also analyze the strengths and areas for improvement of the current site (if any), evaluating which aspects to keep and which to completely renew.

Anin-depth analysis of the market and competitors allows us to better understand the context in which the company operates, helping us to propose solutions that not only respond to current needs, but that are also projected towards the future.

This analysis process allows us to define a clear and targeted strategy, ensuring that every decision made is based on concrete data and on a deep understanding of the customer's needs.

2. Page Architecture and Site-Map

After completing the initial analysis, let's move on to the phase of site architecture design. This phase is crucial to define a logical and intuitive structure, which facilitates user navigation and optimizes the experience on the site.

This phase is crucial to define a logical and intuitive structure, which facilitates user navigation and optimizes the experience on the site.

Let's draw a detailed site-map, which will represent the tree of the pages of the site. By simulating the site-journey of various types of visitors, let's evaluate the most effective paths for minimize clicks and maximize the experience of users.

Each page in the site-map includes the individual sections with the topics that will compose it. The site-map acts as a visual guide, allowing the customer to clearly see how the site will be organized and what content will be treated on each page.

The site-map acts as a visual guide, allowing the customer to clearly see how the site will be organized and what content will be treated on each page.

During this phase, we take into account the user experience best practices (UX) and User interface (UI) design, ensuring that the site is intuitive and easy to navigate. In addition, we consider thesearch engine optimization (SEO), ensuring that the structure of the site favors good indexing and online visibility.

Let's discuss the site-map with the customer to get feedback and suggestions. This collaborative step allows us to further refine the structure, ensuring that . Once approved, the site-map becomes the basis on which to build the wireframes and, subsequently, the graphic design of the site.

This collaborative step allows us to further refine the structure, ensuring that meets the customer's needs perfectly.

Once approved, the site-map becomes the basis on which to build the wireframes and, subsequently, the graphic design of the site.

3. Wireframing and Page Structuring

Once the site-map has been defined, let's move on to Wireframing phase.

This phase is essential to establish the structure of the site's pages without visual distractions such as colors, images or fonts.

The wireframe is essentially a black and white diagram showing the arrangement of elements on the page, such as headers, footers, main content, call-to-action (CTA) and other sections.

We create wireframes using advanced tools such as Figma, which allow us to develop interactive prototypes. This approach allows the customer to see a functional preview of the structure of the site and to understand how users will navigate between the different pages.

During this phase, our team of designers works in close collaboration with the customer, collecting feedback and making the necessary changes to perfect the structure.

The Wireframing is a crucial step because it allows us to focus on the user experience (UX) and the usability of the site.

We carefully evaluate the positioning of the elements, the information hierarchy and ease of navigation, making sure that each page is optimized to guide the user towards the desired objectives.

This phase does not yet include graphic elements, but it represents a solid base on which to build visual design of the site.

Once the wireframes have been completed and approved, we can proceed with the creative part, knowing that it has a well-defined structure that supports fluid and intuitive navigation.

webflow colour palette pic
webflow exemple design
webflow setting pic

4. Creativity and Moodboard

After having Defined the structure of the pages, let's move on to the creative phase, where we develop the visual aspect of the site.

Let's start by creating Moodboards that collect inspirations graphics, color palettes, typography and images that reflect the customer's brand identity.

We use Figma to create moodboards, a software that facilitates collaboration with the customer.

In this way, the customer can see our proposals in real time and provide immediate feedback. Moodboards allow us to explore different stylistic directions and define a consistent graphic line which will then be applied to the site.

The creative phase is not limited to simple aesthetics; this is where Let's define the user's visual experience.

We carefully select colors to convey the right emotions, we choose fonts that improve readability and accessibility, and we take care of every detail for ensure a consistent and professional design.

Once the customer approves the moodboard, we move on to graphic prototyping of the main pages.

In this phase, we transform wireframes into complete designs, applying the defined visual elements in the moodboard. Using Figma again, let's create interactive prototypes that the customer can navigate and comment on, further facilitating the review and approval process.

We also define the common elements between the various pages, such as the navigation menu, the footer, the cards, the CTAs and other repeated components.

This ensures a stylistic and functional coherence throughout the site, improving the user experience and making the site easily navigable.

5. Development with Webflow

With the approved design, let's move on to site development using Webflow, our go-to no-code development platform since 2016.

Webflow allows us to translate designs created in Figma into fully functional websites, maintaining total control over the design and ensuring that the site is perfectly meeting customer expectations.

webflow designer platform exemple

Webflow is a versatile platform that allows us to create highly performing sites, both simple landing pages and complex dynamic sites.

One of its main advantages is the possibility of developing responsive websites, which adapt perfectly to any device, ensuring an optimal user experience on desktops, tablets and smartphones.

Thanks to Webflow, we can create sites that are scalable over time, easily upgradable with new features that can be integrated with other applications already in use from the customer.

This is especially useful for companies that need a dynamic website, capable of grow and adapt to their evolving business needs.

In addition, Webflow offers a comprehensive CMS that allows the client's editing teams to manage content autonomously, updating blogs, product pages and other sections of the site in a simple and intuitive way.

During development, we use a staging domain to allow the customer to follow the progress of the site in real time.

This staging domain allows the customer to see the rendering of pages on various browsers and devices, verifying correct responsiveness and providing immediate feedback.

This transparency during the development process ensures that the The final site meets expectations exactly of the customer, eliminating surprises and facilitating a collaborative and efficient workflow.

6. Advanced Integrations with Webflow

One of the main advantages of using Webflow for the development of your website is the wide range of possible integrations with other platforms and applications.

This makes it possible to significantly expand the functionality of the site, improving operational efficiency and user experience.

Integrations with Mailing Systems and CRM.

Webflow integrates perfectly with numerous mailing and CRM systems such as Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Salesforce.

These integrations make it easier to lead collection and management, allowing you to automate email marketing campaigns and keep track of customer interactions.

I contact forms and landing pages of the site can be connected directly to your CRM systems, ensuring that every lead collected is automatically inserted into the sales and marketing funnel.

Ticket and Help Desk management.

Another fundamental aspect is the possibility of integrate ticket management systems and help desk. Tools such as Zendesk or Freshdesk can be linked to the Webflow site to provide effective and timely customer support.

Strumenti come Zendesk o Freshdesk possono essere collegati al sito Webflow per fornire supporto clienti efficace e tempestivo.

These integrations make it possible to create Knowledge Base areas where users can find answers to their questions independently, reducing the burden on customer support and improving user satisfaction.

Reserved Areas and Freemium/Premium Content.

Webflow also allows the creation of restricted areas or freemium and premium content accessible only to registered or subscribed users.

This functionality is especially useful for businesses that want to offer exclusive paid content or encourage user registration.

Reserved areas can include documents, videos, courses or any other type of content that you want to protect.

Learning management systems (LMS).

For companies that want offer online training, Webflow can be used to develop learning management systems (LMS).

These systems can Host video courses divided into lessons, monitor user progress and offer certificates of completion.

Le integrations with platforms such as Teachable or Thinkific make course management simple and effective, allowing us to provide an engaging and well-structured learning experience.

Other Integrations

The possibilities of integrating with Webflow are practically infinite.

Analysis tools such as Google Analytics or Hotjar can be connected to monitor user behavior and continuously optimize the site.

In addition, advanced integrations with platforms of e-commerce like Shopify they allow you to add online sales functionality directly to the site and to automatically synchronize the Webflow DB with the information updated in Shopify, and then to be able to create custom e-commerce completely redesigned in Webflow based on your layout needs.

Webflow's integration capabilities offer companies and their internal teams the opportunity to create websites that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also highly functional and integrated with the tools necessary for support business growth.

Whether it's improving lead collection, managing customer support, offering exclusive content, or providing online training, Webflow provides a flexible and scalable platform able to meet all these needs.

7. Migrating from Old Sites to Webflow: Minimizing SEO Risks

One of the distinctive services offered by MIRAMEDIA is the migrating existing websites on older platforms to new sites developed with Webflow.

This process can be complex and involve significant risks, especially in terms of maintaining search engine rankings. However, our experience allows us to manage this transition with the utmost care and precision, minimizing the risks of loss of indexation.

Preliminary Analysis and Planning.

Before starting the migration, we perform a thorough analysis of the current site. Let's evaluate the SEO performance, the most important keywords and existing traffic.

This analysis phase allows us to identify critical areas that must be preserved during the migration process.

301 Structure and Redirect.

During the migration phase, we ensure that the structure of the site remains consistent, using 301 redirects for maintain the integrity of existing linksi.

301 redirects are essential to inform search engines that pages have been moved permanently, thus preserving the fairness of the link and the positioning acquired over time.

On-Page and Content Optimization.

During the migration process, we ensure that all on-page SEO elements, such as meta tags, descriptions, titles, and image alt text, are transferred and optimized.

In addition, we work to improve the content structure, information architecture and general usability of the site, ensuring that the new site not only does it maintain, but it improves SEO performance.

Post-Migration Monitoring.

After the launch of the new site, we closely monitor SEO performance to identify any problems and resolve them quickly.

We use advanced analysis tools to monitor traffic, keyword positions and user behavior, ensuring that the site continues to perform at its best.

8. Figma to Webflow

In addition to designing and developing websites internally, MIRAMEDIA offers a specialized site development service starting from graphic layouts created in Figma.

This service is ideal for companies or creatives that have already developed the site design but they need a reliable partner to turn these ideas into reality.

Collaboration with External Designers

We have a vast experience in collaborating with external designers. If your graphic team has already created the site layout in Figma, we can take charge of the development, ensuring that the final site is a faithful representation of the original design.

We work at close contact with designers to understand every detail of the layout and desired functionality.

Pixel-Perfect conversion

One of our strengths is the ability to translate designs into pixel-perfect websites. Thanks to the use of Figma, we can faithfully replicate every visual element, ensuring that the final website exactly reflects the customer's expectations in terms of aesthetics and functionality.

This process includes management of animations, transitions and any other interaction provided for in the original design.

Responsive Development

During development, we ensure that the site is fully responsive, perfectly adapted to any device. Every layout designed in Figma is tested on various screens to ensure that the user experience is optimal on both desktop and mobile devices.

Performance Optimization

In addition to design fidelity, we also focus onperformance optimization of the site. We use best development practices to ensure that the site is fast, secure, and optimized for search engines.

This includes image compression, code minimization and usage of advanced caching techniques.

Integration with Webflow

Once the development is complete, we integrate the site into Webflow, offering the customer a powerful and flexible CMS. Webflow allows easy content management, allowing the customer's team to update the site yourself without the need for advanced technical skills.

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