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Privacy & GDPR

Compliance, Consent, and Data Protection for Your Website

Concerned because your website cannot guarantee the security and proper management of personal data?

You're right to be one!

Reliability, trust and transparency are the pillars in managing relationships with users. And if you struggle to follow the constantly changing rules of the game, trust someone, like us, who are in step with the times when it comes to security.

Find out more

Without risks or worries:
your online presence is safe with us

1. The Impact of the GDPR on your website

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a data privacy law Complete that it has been implemented in the European Union in 2018. This historic legislation has had a profound impact on how companies collect, process and protect personal data. which serves customers all over Europe, and in the unique challenges it presents.

This historic legislation has had a profound impact on how companies collect, process and protect personal data. As a web agency which serves customers all over Europe, we are experts in the requirements of the GDPR and in the unique challenges it presents.

One of the key principles of the GDPR is the need for clear and freely expressed consent from users before their personal data can be collected and used. This means that as the owner of your website to undertake any data processing activity, such as the or for targeted advertising.

This means that as the owner of your website you must obtain the explicit consent of visitors first to undertake any data processing activity, such as the tracking user behavior, the storage of personal information or the use of cookies for targeted advertising.

The GDPR recognizes Even different important rights for users, including the right to access your personal data, the right to do rectify or delete your data and the right to oppose to the processing of their data. to ensure that their websites of interested parties

We work closely with our customers to ensure that their websites are able to manage these rights of interested parties in a timely manner and in accordance with the regulations.

2. Consent Management

A key aspect of GDPR compliance is the correct management of user consent. Visitors to your website must be managed with a , which allows them to choose which data processing activities they are willing to accept. this buried in the footer of your website.

Visitors to your website must be managed with a clear and easy to understand consensus mechanism, which allows them to choose which data processing activities they are willing to accept.

this It goes beyond simply having a generic privacy policy buried in the footer of your website.

At Miramedia, we can help you implement a robust consent management system What:

  • Clearly explain the different types of activities of data processing and their purposes
  • Allows visitors to selectively consent or to renounce specific uses of data
  • Adjust the functionality of the website automatically and the collection of data based on the user's consent preferences
  • Provides a centralized dashboard to monitor and manage consent status
  • Ensures that consent is freely expressed, specific, informed and easily revocable

3. Cookies and tracking: how to comply with the GDPR

In addition to consent management, the GDPR also requires website owners to carefully evaluate and disclose the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Many common web tracking tools, such as , can be considered and require the explicit consent of users before they can be used.

Many common web tracking tools, such as Google Analytics or third-party advertising platforms, can be considered 'non-essential” under the GDPR and require the explicit consent of users before they can be used.

We can assist you in carrying out an in-depth audit Of the panorama of tracking your website, helping you identify any non-compliant practices and implement appropriate solutions. This operation may include:

This operation may include:

  • Deployment of a cookie consent banner that allows users to selectively accept or reject different categories of cookies
  • Implementing a Consent Management Platform (CMP) to centralize user consent management for all tracking technologies
  • Identifying and replacing any non-compliant tracking tools with GDPR-compatible alternatives
  • Make sure that your privacy policy and cookie policy accurately reflect tracking activities on your website

4. Data protection and security

In addition to consent management, the GDPR it also places great emphasis on overall protection of personal data. As a web agency, we understand therobust for collected and processed through your website.

As a web agency, we understand theimportance of implementing security measures robust for Safeguard sensitive information collected and processed through your website.

Some of the main data protection practices that we can help you implement include:

  • Conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) to identify and mitigate risks associated with your data processing activities
  • Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data
  • Establish secure procedures for storing and backing up data to prevent unauthorized access, loss or destruction of information
  • Develop incident response and violation notification protocols data to quickly address and report any security incidents
  • Provide comprehensive data processing agreements (DPA) to regulate the processing of personal data by any third-party service providers
  • Offer tools for managing the rights of interested parties to manage requests for access, correction, cancellation and portability of personal information

Collaborating with Miramedia, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your website and your online operations will be fully compliant with the GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations. Our team of experts will work closely with you to develop and implement and keep their trust.

Our team of experts will work closely with you to develop and implement tailor-made solutions that safeguard the personal data of your customers and keep their trust.

5. GDPR Compliance: Monitoring and Ongoing Support

The achievement of GDPR compliance it is not a task that ends in a single intervention; requires a constant commitment in monitoring, inadjustment and in upgrading of your data protection practices. As regulations and best practices evolve, every step of the way.

As regulations and best practices evolve, we will be at your side to support you every step of the way.

Our services include:

  • GDPR audits and periodic risk assessments to identify any areas of non-compliance
  • Assistance in updating information on privacy, cookie policy and other legal documentation
  • Guidance on the implementation of new measures of data protection or on responding to changes in the regulatory landscape
  • Continuous monitoring of tracking activities and data processing of your website
  • Providing training and resources to your team on GDPR compliance best practices
  • Management of requests from interested parties and facilitation of communications with supervisory authorities, if necessary

6. Because with Miramedia you are safe

Entrusting Miramedia the compliance of your website with the GDPR, you can dedicate yourself to your professional goals with the tranquility To know that thine online presence is secure, transparent and fully conforms to the requirements of data protection constantly evolving in Europe.

We focus everything on creating a relationship of trust And say a lasting partnership over time with our customers.

In an increasingly complex digital landscape, Reliability it is not only a matter of professionalism, but a essential value.

As an entrepreneur you need a strategic ally, not a simple digital service provider. We are ready to give you all the necessary support.

Is your site compliant

to the regulations?