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How to adapt your online business to the new Google SGE: a practical guide for entrepreneurs

Imagine being at the helm of a ship in the middle of the ocean. The sea is calm, the wind is favorable, and the route is well defined.

Suddenly, in the distance, you see a gigantic wave approaching.

It's not a threat, but you know it will change your browsing conditions completely. What do you do?

As a good captain, you prepare yourself, adapt your strategy and try to use the power of the wave to your advantage.

This scenario is not much different from what is happening in the online business world with the introduction of Google SGE (Search Generative Experience).

If you have a website for your business, you are about to face a significant change in the digital landscape.

But don't worry: with the right preparation, this' wave 'can become an extraordinary opportunity to make your business stand out.

The wave of change: what is Google SGE?

Google SGE represents a revolution in the way people search for and find information online.

Instead of simply presenting a list of links, Google will try to answer user questions directly, using artificial intelligence to generate complete and relevant answers.

This change may seem like a threat to many website owners.

After all, if Google provides immediate answers, why should users visit your site?

But remember: every change brings with it new opportunities. The key is understanding how to adapt and thrive in this new environment.

The new Horizon: what does SGE mean for your Business?

  • Online Visibility: The traditional SEO approach may no longer be enough. Your online presence will have to evolve to emerge in this new context.
  • Authoritativeness: Google will give more and more importance to sources considered authoritative in its sector. Becoming a point of reference in your field will no longer be just an advantage, but a necessity.
  • Direct Answers: Users could get immediate answers without visiting specific websites. This means you'll need to rethink the way you attract and engage your audience.
  • Content Quality: More than ever, the quality and relevance of your content will be crucial. Google will reward those who provide accurate, complete and useful information.
  • User Experience: The user experience on your site will become even more important. A well-structured, fast, and easy-to-navigate site will be more likely to be mentioned in Google's answers.

Navigating the New Waters: 5 Strategies to Adapt and Thrive

1. Become an Undisputed Authority in Your Industry

Imagine being a carpenter in a small town. Everyone comes to you for advice on how to restore antique furniture or to make custom-made pieces. Your reputation precedes you, and people blindly trust your opinion. This is exactly the kind of authority you need to build online.

How to do it:

  • Share your experience: Create valuable content that demonstrates your expertise. Write in-depth articles, create video tutorials, host webinars.
  • Take an active part in your community: Speak in industry forums, answer questions on platforms like Quora or LinkedIn.
  • Collaborate with other experts: Organize interviews, podcasts, or articles in collaboration with other respected professionals in your field.
  • Get recognition: Attend conferences as a speaker, try to get industry awards, get interviewed by respected publications.

Remember, the goal is to make sure that when Google searches for an answer in your industry, your name is among the first sources it finds.

2. Create Content That Answers Your Customers' Questions

Think of your website as a specialized library. Each book (or page) should answer a specific question that your customers might have. When Google SGE searches for information, your site will be a goldmine of relevant and reliable answers.

How to do it:
  • Analyze frequently asked questions: Use tools like Answer the Public or related Google searches to identify the most common questions in your industry.
  • Create targeted content: Develop dedicated pages that comprehensively answer these questions.
  • Structure the contents in a clear way: Use titles, captions, and bulleted lists to make information easily scannable.
  • Update regularly: Information changes over time. Make sure your content is always up to date and relevant.

3. Optimize Your Website for the New Era

Think of your website as a physical store. In a world where Google SGE is the main “mall”, you want your store to be easy to find, attractive and well organized.

How to do it:
  • Speed and Performance: Make sure your site loads quickly on all devices. Every second of delay can cost valuable visitors.
  • Responsive Design: Your site must be perfectly usable on smartphones, tablets and desktops.
  • Clear structure: Use intuitive navigation and a logical site structure. Google must be able to easily 'understand' the organization of your content.
  • Structured Data: Implement structured data (schema markup) to help Google better understand the context of your content.
  • User Experience: Focus on a clean, easily navigable, and pleasant to use design.

4. Focus on quality, not quantity

In the new Google SGE scenario, a single exceptional article is worth more than ten mediocre articles.

In the sea magnum of information that deals with the same topics and in an almost standardized way, to emerge from the fray, you must produce valuable content.

How to do it:
  • Learn more about the Themes: Instead of writing superficial articles, create comprehensive, in-depth guides on key topics in your industry.
  • Use Data and Research: Support your claims with recent data, statistics, and studies. This will increase your credibility in the eyes of Google and readers.
  • Update Regularly: Review and update your most important content at least every six months. Fresh information is valuable to Google SGE.
  • Eliminate Weak Content: Audit your site and remove or improve low-quality content. The overall quality of your site matters.

5. Diversify Your Online Presence

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, you risk making the omelet. Even though Google remains crucial, it's wise to build a diverse online presence.

How to do it:
  • Social Media: Build a strong presence on the platforms most relevant to your audience. Use social media not only to promote, but to interact and build relationships.
  • Email Marketing: Build and cultivate an email list. Direct communications with your customers are valuable and don't depend on Google's algorithms.
  • Multimedia Contents: Explore different formats such as videos, podcasts, infographics. These can attract different audiences and improve your overall visibility.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with other companies or influencers in your industry to reach new audiences.
  • Targeted Advertising: Use online advertising strategically to complement your organic efforts.

Your Journey to Success in the Age of Google SGE

Adapting to Google SGE may seem like a challenge, but it's also an exciting opportunity to redesign your business' online presence.

Remember, the ultimate goal remains the same: to provide real value to your customers. If you focus on this, you'll be on the right track regardless of technological changes.

Every challenge you overcome makes you stronger and brings you closer to your goal: a business well positioned in your target market.

Remember: the future belongs to those who adapt.

Are you ready to ride the wave of change and to take your business to new horizons of success?

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