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Print Solution

Sometimes, collaborations They are born almost by chance, as happened with Print Solution.

The company, which offers advanced solutions for digital printing on various materials (labels, packaging, CDs and DVDs), she turned to MIRAMEDIA with a specific request: to increase visits to her website.

From this simple request, which concealed more complex objectives and strategies, we have developed a wide-ranging web project that has consolidated our partnership over time..


Il nostro contributo

Webflow site development
E-commerce, Campaigns

Customer Directions

Increase visits
Provide comprehensive content and information
Be among the first results in Serp on Google
Get more qualified leads

Perché Rebuilding Sisma Project

Project phases

Le fasi del Progetto

Analysis and Interpretation of Customer Needs

The first step was to interpret and translate the real needs of the customer. Although the initial request was to increase site visits, we highlighted that the company actually needed a more sophisticated approach to the Web. This included increasing brand awareness, improving the style and content of the site's pages, identifying strategic keywords to improve search engine rankings and the relative conversion of visitors into qualified leads. We have therefore redefined the objectives to create an integrated and comprehensive strategy.

Reorganization of the Contents and Structure of the Site

To achieve the set objectives, we have reorganized the presentation of the product portfolio and redesigned the structure and style of the site using Webflow. The interface has been made more intuitive and attractive, making it easier to navigate and access information. We have also integrated the Shopify platform to manage a professional shopping cart for the sale of printer consumables, improving the online shopping experience.

Brand Awareness and Lead Generation Campaigns

To complete the brand awareness and lead generation activities, we conducted PPC campaigns aimed at Google Ads and Facebook Ads. These campaigns solicited potential new leads, both from users looking for specific equipment on Google, and from audience categories on social media. The goal was to reach a wide audience and attract qualified users interested in the products offered by the company.

Localization and international development

With the company's desire to expand to international European and Mediterranean markets, we have localized the site in English and conducted specific geolocalized campaigns. This has further expanded the user base and increased the generation of qualified leads from abroad, which the sales department then managed and transformed into sales. The localization of the site played a crucial role in the company's international success.

Content Management and Result Measurement

Although the customer has full autonomy in managing content through the Webflow CMS, he continues to collaborate with MIRAMEDIA for the launch of new products, the management of campaigns and the measurement of results. Our continuous support ensures that each new initiative is executed on time and with maximum effectiveness, ensuring the achievement of business and marketing objectives.

Thanks to our collaboration, the company has seen a significant increase in site visits, greater brand awareness and a growth in the generation of qualified leads. MIRAMEDIA continues to be a reliable and strategic partner, supporting the company in all its digital initiatives and contributing to its continued success in the global market.

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